

Annual Meeting 2024

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the First Congregational Church of Rockport was held January 28, 2024 beginning at 11:00am. The meeting was hybrid, with an in-person meeting in the sanctuary and others participating remotely via Zoom. Here are links to the documents...

annual meeting image

Bit by Bit Biblical Poems

If, then, there is any comfort in Christ, any consolation from love, any partnership in the Spirit, any tender affection and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

abstract choir

Bit by Bit Biblical Poems

The passage from Isaiah that Jesus read in Nazareth summarized the essence of his faith. Because Luke shared the story of Jesus' mission of good news to the poor and the release of those captive and oppressed, Luke spread the social teachings of Jesus into nascent Christianity. New England fall colors suggest hearts aflame with faith.

Fall colors

Bit by Bit Biblical Poems

The sun rises over all humanity like the love of God for creation and all people. Jesus opened up ethical monotheism that Simeon foreshadowed in his prayer of dedication and prediction. The ethical dimension even without the monotheism is a compass for many people. Therefore the teachings of Jesus are not just for people of theistic faith. Bridge building among people with diverse perspectives is possible.

Sunrise Over the Mountains

Bit by Bit Biblical Poems

Mary, the mother of Jesus, poetically intuits God's ultimate reversals of unfairness into justice. Luke the implied author of the Gospel of Luke understood hearts and minds. It has even been suggested by biblical scholar, Mark Reasoner, that Luke could read minds. Therefore Luke's ability to understand Mary's thoughts and write for her anchors her poem/song, the Magnificat in history as well as in theological story telling..

Arty-party in Fellowship Hall