Old Sloop Fair

Old Sloop Fair
This year’s fair will include even more activities than before. We are having a silent auction for the first time—should be fun! Once again, the church has invited arts and crafts vendors from around the region to participate. Participating vendors include sea glass art, sea glass jewelry, other hand-made jewelry, hand sewn items, pottery, knits, other crafts. A complete list of vendors can be found below. The Old Sloop Fair will also feature children’s activities and games this year, with a face painter on-site. There will be a cookout lunch of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. The yard sale, a long-standing tradition of the fair, will feature art, jewelry, tools, baked goods, and more.
The Old Sloop Fair is one of the oldest and largest church fairs on the Massachusetts North Shore, and is a true Rockport tradition. The fair originated in 1957 under the guidance of Pastor Ed Nutting, and is an important fund-raising event for the church.
The church sanctuary will be open throughout the fair to welcome visitors.
Loni Butera — Sea glass pictures
Loie Levine — Belo Sea Treasures—sea glass jewelry
Elizabeth Rizzotti — Hand-sewn items
Wendy Sullivan — Face painting
Various members—pottery, knitted items, other crafts