GDT: Rockport drivers asked to slow their roll

Slow Your Roll

July 10, 2023

The July 10 issue of the Gloucester Daily Times included an article entitled “Rockport neighbors call for drivers to slow their roll —  Effort made after death of Virgina “Ginny” Hale. The article described the project “We Slow Down in Our Town”, which was spearheaded by Jessica Hunt and is supported by the Outreach Committee. The pedestrian safety initiative is a collaboration between the Rockport Community and the Rockport Police Department. It is a way to prevent future pedestrian tragedies like the death of Virgina “Ginny” Hale, who died while in the middle of the Millbrook Park crosswalk in September of 2022. The project also seeks to protect cyclists and those who are handicapped. Representatives will be at the Rockport Farmer’s Market from 9:00am to 1:00pm on July 15, August 12, and August 26. Look for the table with a canopy and banner that reads We Slow Down in Our Town.